Now that I have my inquiry idea, how the heck do I get started?

A while ago, my sister sent me a video on YouTube with an easy to follow pattern that she was trying. As one of her first projects, it turned out amazing! So obviously, I want to try it too since it seems like a great beginner video!

I also checked out (and subscribed!) to this creator. She has a ton of crochet tutorial videos for a variety of different things – there are blankets, stuffed animals, Granny squares (which is just so fitting if you know me), and the cutest toque with a pompom! I have so many things I want to try that I don’t know which one to go with first!

I’m thinking I’ll go with this video, as it seems like an easy one to pick up the pattern for. That and I’ve been freezing cold all winter and why wouldn’t I want to create something that will keep me warmer the more I work on it? It’s a win-win if you ask me! Now I guess my next question is one colour or two?

Crochet with Tiffany Hansen