While this may be the only White Snake song I can name, this is not the only time I started this project (as evidenced if you read the rest of my blog posts). However! It has been a fun process for the most part and I will eventually have a blanket to call my own and keep me warm.

I also guess I’m stretching the truth a bit in saying I did it fully on my own. After starting my new blanket and getting to the end of the first row (with one too few stitches AGAIN), I pulled it all apart and started from scratch. This is becoming a super frustrating theme for me. I did it again and was still wrong! You’d think I would have a better handle on it by now, but alas, here we are.

I was at my parent’s house when I started this one so I asked my Mom to help me count my chains. I needed 72 and one on the hook – a key detail that I seem to forget. Every. Single. Time. She goes “72 is on the hook.”

Excuse me? Are you saying I was one short the whole time (every time) because I left the 72nd chain on the hook?!

Yep. That is exactly what she was saying.

I miscounted every time I started this blanket because I left my 72nd chain on the hook instead of making it an actual chain. A very simple, yet very annoying mistake. At least I know what I was doing wrong and will be sure to check that I have all my chains as actual parts of my project. This will be a lesson I will hopefully not soon forget!