month March 2022

Another Turning Point, A Fork Stuck in the Road

I couldn’t help myself, I had to start with something catchy and cliche for endings. What better than the Green Day song used for every end of year school video from grade 6-12? I promise I’ll stop there, this is… Continue Reading →

All That’s Left

This is it. The last of the trees that blow in the wind. The last of whose leaves fall in the autumn and grow in the spring. This is all that’s left of what once covered the lands and offered… Continue Reading →


At the beginning of the semester, we were asked to form small groups that we would work with for our blogs and for a final tech presentation. Each member of our group had different free inquiry topics and we decided… Continue Reading →

Fostering Connectedness and Digital Assessment

We had a guest lecturer for this topic, and man, was it ever interesting! I took about three pages of notes, but I will bullet point my key takeaways from the presentation and Q&A so it’s easier to follow than… Continue Reading →

Here I Go Again On My Own

While this may be the only White Snake song I can name, this is not the only time I started this project (as evidenced if you read the rest of my blog posts). However! It has been a fun process… Continue Reading →

Distributed Learning

This week was all about Distributed Learning – something of great importance in this day and age. Learning can happen anywhere so long as we have open and creative minds (and internet access for the most part). We started by… Continue Reading →

Three’s Company!

Finally got started on my third colour! Loving the contrast, not so stoked on the fact that I made a mistake on tying off the lighter colour. I got through the first row of the lightest purple and it looked… Continue Reading →

Learning Design Models

We covered a few cool things this week! However, instead of writing out another blog post, I’m going to give a video a whirl! Please note my references are below the video because there is no way I figured this… Continue Reading →

BCEdAccess Guest Speaker

We had an amazing guest speaker Zoom in to talk with us about technology and accessibility in schools. Tracy Humphries, the founder of BCEdAccess, shared an informative presentation that really got us thinking about how technology can be used to… Continue Reading →

Prepare for Trouble, and Make It Double!

As only a true Pokemon child would do, my husband suggested this for my title (I was trying really hard to make a Tommy Tutone reference, but alas, I can’t argue with Pokemon logic!) Anyways, back to the point. I… Continue Reading →

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